Part 1 Dialogue
I’m glad you’re here, something has just come and we need someone on the surface. An evac ship pilot caught sight of an ‘SOS’ after trying a new approach for the first time, but saw nobody in the area. We’re not sure how long it’s been there, but I’d like you to check the area for me.
- Find the SOS Sign
The SOS Sign is located at the South Beach just south of Water Facility on Bright Sands. Check the image below for a better explanation.

Part 2 Dialogue
I’m not surprised you didn’t find anyone… I think I know who left the SOS there, it’s something he joked about in case he ever got stranded. Check this next location for me, Prospector.
- Enter the Water Facility Loot Room
- Deliver Sign of Life From Stranded Prospector
Enter the Water Facility Loot Room on Bright Sands and get the Picture Frame which is located on the bed. Then survive and deliver it to ICA. The Loot Room is located on the northeast side of the area, marked in the image below.

This quest is a bit puzzling, as you need to power up those three circuits to unlock the door. This can be done by removing the batteries from another power slot located within the same area. Check the image below for a better understanding. It may not replicate the same positions as the spawns for these are random.

After you gather them all, make sure you plug them in the power slots next to the Water Facility Loot Room. This will power up the door and you will be able to open it.
Once inside, search for a bed, as the picture frame is located on top of it. Check the image below:
Survive and extract!

Part 3 Dialogue
So it was Tao, damn it. He took up prospecting in the early days, before word got out… and before foam kits came standard. Some said he must have just made it big and sneaked off to another system, but I never believed that. I have a lot to think about… and more work for you.
- Deliver 2 Zero Systems CPUs
- Deliver 5 Fusion Cartridge-Batteries
- Deliver 5 Alloys
- Zero Systems CPUs can be found in Briefcases and Cabinets.
- Fusion Cartridge-Batteries can be found in Civilian Lockers, Bins, and as static spawns across some POIs. A good location for getting these is the Lagoon on Bright Sands.
- Alloys can be found in industrial places, laying on the ground as static spawns, or in Industrial and Luggage boxes.

Part 4 Dialogue
The ICA may run this station, but its Korolev that owns the veltecite refiners needed to generate its power. The ICA funded research for alternative power sources, before the evacuations. Head down there and get us our data back.
- Visit Southeast Uplink on Bright Sands
- Deliver 3 Uncommon Data Drives
The first part of the quest asks you to head to Southeast Uplink on Bright Sands. Check the image below:

The second part asks you to deliver 3 Uncommon Data Drives. Data Drives can be purchased from the ICA and have a special mechanic in this game. They can be brought and upgraded in-raid at one of the stations located around the map. One is at the South East Uplink. Check the image below to see how they look.
Once you slot the Data Drive inside the console, you will need to download fresh data and upgrade it to a higher quality variant. Once the download is finished, the Data Drive is upgraded one variant higher. This step is repeatable, and the Data Drives can be upgraded to their highest legendary variants. But for this quest, we will need Uncommon quality only. Common Data Drives can also be found around Comms Base.

Part 5 Dialogue
I’m organizing a team to scout Bright Sands for Tao’s comm signal; if he came close enough to an active repeater it should be logged in the network. And I need you to stash some spare equipment for them, just in case.
- Visit Comms Base on Bright Sands
- Stash 3 Radio Equipment at the Satellite Dish Dead Drop
- Stash 3 Circuit Boards at the Satellite Dish Dead Drop
For this quest, you need to have 3 Radio Equipment and 3 Circuit Boards and stash them at the Satellite Dish Dead Drop. The Satellite Dish Dead Drop location is highlighted in the image below:
- Radio Equipment can be found in technologically advanced areas, as a static spawn on Decks, PCs, etc.
- Circuit Boards can be found in Briefcases, Luggage, and as a static spawn across technologically advanced rooms and areas (racks, decks next to PCs, chairs, etc.).

Part 6 Dialogue
We found a number of candidate locations Tao could have visited, but there’s one only a skilled prospector can access. Head there, and check the nearby Uplink; if I kno- knew, Tao, he’ll have saved something for us to find.
- Enter the House on Stilts
- Deliver 3 Rare Data Drives
The House on Stilts is located in next to the North Uplink. For a precise look, take a look at the image below:

As for the Rare Data Drives, they can be purchased from the ICA in their common variant, but also found at the Comms Base, and then upgraded at an in-raid uplink terminal. Each upgrade brings it to a higher-quality variant. Once the station finishes with the download, the Data Drive is upgraded one variant higher. This step is repeatable, and the Data Drives can be upgraded to their highest legendary variants. These sorts of stations can be found at the Comms Base, South-East Uplink, and North Uplink. The Upgrade stations or Terminals look like this:

Part 7 Dialogue
At least I finally know for sure. I have a lot to go through from the data you retrieved, but it looks like Tao was thinking ahead, as always. He knew power would become an issue, and found something that could help. For now, get us Fusion Batteries, it’s what he was looking for on his last drop. And shoot some aliens for him while you’re down there, he’d have liked that.
- Visit Power Plant on Bright Sands
- Hunt 25 Creatures at the Power Plant on Bright Sands
- Deliver 15 Fusion Cartridge-Batteries.
- Fusion Cartridge-Batteries can be found in Civilian Lockers, Bins, and as static spawns across some POIs. A good location for getting these is the Lagoon on Bright Sands.
- The quest asks you to eliminate 25 creatures of any type at the Power Plant POI on the Bright Sands map. Its location is marked below.
Tao collected a lot of old research, it’s hard to tell what’s useful and what’s just theory. Stash these items at the Bright Sands’ Base Camp, I’ll send someone down there to run some tests on the surface, don’t want to risk blowing a hole out of the station.
- Stash 3 Miniature Reactors in the Base Camp Office
- Stash 2 Valuable Data Drives in the Base Camp Office
This is a Dead Drop quest, and requires you to visit the Base Camp on Bright Sands. The quest asks you to find the Base Camp Office Dead Drop. Without further ado, you can find its location in the image below:

Once you find it, just stash Miniature Reactors and Data Drives and click Deposit.
The Data Drives can be purchased from the ICA in their common variant, but also found at the Comms Base, and then upgraded at an in-raid uplink terminal. Each upgrade brings it to a higher-quality variant. Once the station finishes with the download, the Data Drive is upgraded one variant higher. This step is repeatable, and the Data Drives can be upgraded to their highest legendary variants. These sorts of stations can be found at the Comms Base, South-East Uplink, and North Uplink. The Upgrade stations or Terminals look like this: