Trainers, the Pokemon Go Field Notes Special Research quest is part of the fifty-fifth Community Day event in Pokemon Go. The Field Notes: Starly Research has four different parts, interesting tasks, rewards, and Pokemon encounters.
The Starly Community Day is a three-hour event featuring Starly, its shiny forms, new attack, event-exclusive bonuses, bonuses for groups, bonus Raids after the event, four-star Raids featuring Staravaria, new cool stickers, and a Community Day Special Research story: Field Notes: Starly.
The Field Notes: Starly Special Research story has four steps, each stage offering different tasks and rewards. There are a total of four steps that one must complete in order to earn the rewards and Pokemon encounters.
The FIeld Notes: Starly Special Research is pay-to-play Research and only ticket holders can participate. Ticket holders must play during the specified time to receive all the special event bonuses.
Field Notes: Starly Research Tasks Rewards
Field Notes: Starly Stage Tasks Rewards Stage 1/4
- Power up Pokemon 10 times: 15 Poke Ball
- Catch 15 Starly: Starly
- Make 5 Nice Throws: 20 Starly Candy
- Rewards: 2000 Stardust, Starly, and 1 Incense
Field Notes: Starly Stage Tasks Rewards Stage 2/4
- Catch 15 Starly: 30 Starly Candy
- Transfer 10 Pokemon: Staravia
- Evolve 3 Starly: 10 Pinap Berry
- Rewards: 1500 XP, Starly, and 1 Incense
Field Notes: Starly Stage Tasks Rewards Stage 3/4
- Make 3 Great Curveball Throws: 50 Starly Candy
- Evolve 1 Staravia: 1 Lucky Egg
- Transfer 10 Pokemon: 15 Great Ball
- Rewards: 2500 XP, 1 Rocket Radar, and 15 Ultra Ball
Field Notes: Starly Stage Tasks Rewards Stage 4/4
- Claim Reward: 2 Silver Pinap Berry
- Claim Reward: Starly
- Claim Reward: 3500 XP
- Rewards: 3000 Stardust, Staraptor, and 3 Rare Candy
The Pokemon Go Starly Community Day starts on July 17, 2022, from 11 AM to 2 PM local time.