Trainers, the Season of Mischief is underway, and a new Misunderstood Mischief Special Research featuring Hoopa is available.
The Misunderstood Mischief Special Research is a 16-stage Research that will be available during the entire Season of Mischief. You will be able to gain access to different sets of tasks in this Special Research story. Also, you will be able to encounter Confined Hoopa when completing a set of tasks starting from September 5, 2021,
Complete the Misunderstood Mischief Special Research story to access a special end-of-season event!
That said, let’s take a look at the tasks and rewards for the Misunderstood Mischief Special Research.
Misunderstood Mischief Research Tasks and Rewards
Part 1
Misunderstood Mischief Stage 1/16
- Make 10 Nice Throws: x1 Incense
- Use an Incense: x10 PokeBall
- Take 3 snapshots of wild Psychic-type Pokemon: x10 Nanab Berry
- Rewards: Gothita, 1,000 XP, and x500 Stardust
Misunderstood Mischief Stage 2/16
- Auto Claim: 720 Stardust
- Rewards: 720 XP
Part 2
Misunderstood Mischief Stage 3/16
- Make 3 Curveball Throws: x15 Pokeball
- Catch 10 different species of Pokemon: x5 GReat Balll
- Earn 5k Stardust: x3 Max Revives
- Rewards: Hoopa, 1,000 XP, and x500 Stardust
Misunderstood Mischief Stage 4/16
- Auto Claim: x720 Stardust
- Rewards: 720 XP
Part 3
Misunderstood Mischief Stage 5/16
- Power up Pokemon 10 times: x15 PokeBall
- Catch 20 Psychic-type Pokemon: Abra
- Evolve 3 Psychic-type Pokemon: x3 Max Revive
- Rewards: Wobbuffet, x10 Hyper Potion, and x10 Inkay Candy
Misunderstood Mischief Stage 6/16
- Auto Claim: Professor Willow is currently performing an investigation regarding this research. Check back for more details soon!: 720 Stardust
- Rewards: 720 XP
Part 4
Misunderstood Mischief Stage 7/16
- Take a snapshot of your Buddy: Furfrou
- Catch a Furfrou: x1 Fast TMs
- Earn a Heart with your Buddy: x1 Charged TMs
- Rewards: Minccinor, x1 Unova Stone, and x15 Furfrou Candy
Misunderstood Mischief Stage 8/16
- Auto Claim: Professor Willow is currently performing an investigation regarding this research. Check back soon for more details: x720 Stardust
- Rewards: 720 XP
Part 5
Misunderstood Mischief Part 9/16
- Make 3 Nice Curveball Throws: x20 Slowpoke Candy
- Transfer 30 Pokemon: Galarian Slowpoke
- Evolve 1 Slowpoke: 1990 XP
- Rewards: Shedinja, x5 Max Potion, and x40 Slowbro Mega Energy
Misunderstood Mischief Part 10/16
- Professor Willow is currently performing an investigation regarding this research. Check back for more details soon! : x720 Stardust
- Rewards: 720 XP
Part 6
Misunderstood Mischief part 11/16
- Earn 3 Candies walking with your Buddy: x10 Yamask Candy
- Catch 30 Ghost-type Pokemon: x10 Phantump Candy
- Catch 30 Dark-type Pokemon: x10 Pumpkaboo Candy
- Rewards: Halloween Pikachu, x15 Ultra Ball, and x40 Gengar Mega Energy
Misunderstood Mischief part 12/16
- Professor Willow is currently performing an investigation regarding this research. Check back for more details soon! : x720 Stardust
- Rewards: 720 XP
Part 7
Misunderstood Mischief part 13/16
- Make a new Friend: Meditite
- Send 10 Gifts to Friends: Chinchou
- Use 20 Berries to help catch Pokemon: x2 Silver Pinap Berry
- Rewards: Blitzle, x1 Poffin, and x10 Dedenne Candy
Misunderstood Mischief part 14/16
- Professor Willow is currently performing an investigation regarding this research. Check back for more details soon!: x720 Stardust
- Rewards: 720 XP
Part 8
Misunderstood Mischief part 15/16
- Defeat 5 Team Go Rocket Grunts: x1 Rocket Radar
- Defeat a Team Go Rocket Leader: x1 Super Rocket Radar
- Defeat the Team Go Rocket Boss: x1 Lucky Egg
- Rewards: Absol, x2 Golden Razz Berry, and x40 Houndoom Mega Energy
Misunderstood Mischief part 15/16
- Claim rewards: 2,000 XP
- Claim rewards: 2,000 XP
- Claim rewards: 2,000 XP
- Rewards: Dusknoir, x20 Hoopa Candy, and x1 Star Piece
That’s all Trainers, the Season-long Special Research has come to an end, and we hope you’ll finish it on time.