Trainers, Mega Gyarados Raid Day is a limited-time event that starts on October 8, 2022, from 2 PM to 5 PM local time. During this period Mega Gyarados will appear more frequently in Mega Raids and there will be an increased chance of encountering Shiny Gyarados, Many players want to what are the odds of getting shiny Gyarados, so we decided to dig a little deeper and find the right answer.
Mega Gyarados Raid Day is the perfect event to get a shiny because the chances of encountering Shiny Gyarados will be increased during the event times. As we said above, the Mega Gyarados Raid Day starts on Saturday, October 8, 2022, at 2 PM local time. The event will end the same day, at 5 PM local time, which means that players have only three hours to battle and catch Mega Gyarados, get free Raid Passes, and catch shiny Gyarados.
Now, let’s talk about the shiny rates. As you all know, there are different shiny rarity tiers in Pokemon Go – Base, Medium, Legendary, Community Day, Permaboost, Legendary Raid, Raid Day, and Research Day. Each tier has different shiny rates, and to make it easier for you, I’ve decided to make a short shiny guide, and show you the shiny rates (approximately) for this event.
Pokemon Go Shiny Rates
- Base Shiny Rate is 1 in 500
- Medium Shiny Rate is 1 in 128
- Permaboosted is 1 in 64
- Community Day Shiny Rate is 1 in 25
- Legendary Raid Shiny Rate is 1 in 20
- Raid Day Shiny Rate is 1 in 10
- Research Day Shiny Rate is 1 in 10
As you can see from the list above, the shiny rate for Raid Day is roughly 1 in 10, which means that the chances of getting Shiny Gyarados are around 10%, which is great.
The Mega Gyarados Raid Day starts on October 8, 2022, from 2-5 PM local time.