Everything was easy back when Pokemon Go had only 30 levels, but now the level cap has increased up to 50.
At first, it increased to 40 levels, and back in 2020 as a part of the major Go Beyond update, Trainers got another 10 levels, thus increasing the level cap to 50. And the path to the maximum level has proven to be quite hard.
Unlike the previous levels, to go beyond level 40 you would need a new type of Candy called XL Candy. You would also need to obtain a certain medal type, finish a task in a set amount of time and many other requirements that can become very hard and frustrating.
To make things a little bit easier, we have decided to write down the requirements for levels 41 to 50, including some tips of our own:
Pokémon GO Level 41 Tasks and Rewards
- XP Requirements: 6 million
- Power up a Legendary Pokémon 20 times
- Win 30 Raids
- Catch 200 Pokémon in a single day
- 20x Ultra Balls
- 20x Max Potions
- 20x Max Revives
- 20x Razz Berries
- 1x Incubator
- 1x Premium Raid Ticket
- 1x Rare XL Candy
Pokémon GO Level 42 Tasks and Rewards
- XP Requirements: 7.5 million
- Evolve Eevee into each of its unique Evolutions
- Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times
- Make 3 Excellent Throws
- Use 200 Berries to help catch Pokémon
- 20x Ultra Balls
- 20x Max Potions
- 20x Max Revives
- 20x Nabab Berries
- 1x Incubator
- 1x Premium Raid Ticket
- 1x Rare XL Candy
Pokémon GO Level 43 Tasks and Rewards
- XP Requirements: 9 million
- Earn 100,000 Stardust
- Use 200 Super-effective Charged Attacks
- Catch 5 Legendary Pokémon
- 20x Ultra Balls
- 20x Max Potions
- 20x Max Revives
- 20x Silver Pinap Berries
- 1x Incubator
- 1x Premium Raid Ticket
- 1x Rare XL Candy
- Avatar pose and Pawniard encounter as part of Level 43 Challenge
Pokémon GO Level 44 Tasks and Rewards
- XP Requirements: 11 million
- Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Great League
- Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Ultra League
- Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Master League
- Win 20 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League
- 20x Ultra Balls
- 20x Max Potions
- 20x Max Revives
- 20x Razz Berries
- 1x Incubator
- 1x Premium Raid Ticket
- 1x Rare XL Candy
Pokémon GO Level 45 Tasks and Rewards
- XP Requirements: 13 million
- Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket Grunts
- Purify 100 Shadow Pokémon
- Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 50 times
- Earn 10 Platinum Medals
- 40x Ultra Balls
- 40x Max Revives
- 1x Elite Fast TM
- 2x Rare XL Candy
- 2x Incense
- 2x Lucky Eggs
- 1x Super Incubator
- 2x Lures
- Avatar item
Pokémon GO Level 46 Tasks and Rewards
- XP Requirements: 15.5 million
- Complete 100 Field Research tasks
- Take a snapshot of a Pokémon 7 days in a row
- Make 50 Excellent Throws
- Hatch 30 Eggs
- 30x Ultra Balls
- 25 Max Potions
- 20x Max Revives
- 25 Razz Berries
- 1x Incubator
- 1x Premium Raid Ticket
- 1x Rare XL Candy
Pokémon GO Level 47 Tasks and Rewards
- XP Requirements: 18 million
- Win 30 raids using a team of all unique Pokémon species
- Win a three-star raid using only Pokémon with 1500 CP or less
- Power up 3 Pokémon to their max CP
- Earn 20 Platinum Medals
- 30x Ultra Balls
- 25 Max Potions
- 20x Max Revives
- 25 Nanab Berries
- 1x Incubator
- 1x Premium Raid Ticket
- 1x Rare XL Candy
- Avatar Pose
Pokémon GO Level 48 Tasks and Rewards
- XP Requirements: 21 million
- Receive 20 Souvenirs from your Buddy
- Earn 300 hearts with your Buddy
- Walk 200 km with your Buddy
- Walk 25 km in a week 8 times
- 30x Ultra Balls
- 25 Max Potions
- 20x Max Revives
- 25 Pinap Berries
- 1x Incubator
- 1x Premium Raid Ticket
- 1x Rare XL Candy
Pokémon GO Level 49 Tasks and Rewards
- XP Requirements: 25 million
- Make 10 trades with Pokémon caught at least 300 km apart
- Obtain 50 Lucky Pokémon in trades
- Send 500 Gifts to Friends
- Earn 35 Platinum medals
- 30x Ultra Balls
- 25 Max Potions
- 20x Max Revives
- 25 Pinap Berries
- 1x Incubator
- 1x Premium Raid Ticket
- 1x Rare XL Candy
- Avatar item
Pokémon GO Level 50 Tasks and Rewards
- XP Requirements: 30 million
- Make 999 Excellent Throws
- Catch a Legendary Pokémon in your next 5 Legendary Pokémon encounters
- Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 3 times using only Pokémon with 2,500 CP or less
- Reach Level 10 in GO Battle League
- 50x Ultra Balls
- 50x Max Potions
- 1x Elite Charge TM
- 2x Rare XL Candy
- 5x Incense
- 5x Lucky Eggs
- 5x Super Incubators
- 5x Lure Modules
- Avatar item
The trickiest ones are the power-ups, the evolutions and winning x amount of battles (raid, gym and whatnot).
Now, as for the power-ups, specifically for Legendary Pokemon, the easiest way to do that is to search for the one with the lowest level. Power it up with as few candies as possible because as you are powering the Legendary up, the Candy cost goes up. Once it gets high, move on to the next Legendary.
To win 30 Raids you would need a whole month, but that process could be sped up if you either spend real money or try to earn 50 PokeCoins per day through Gym defense, in which case, the time will be cut to 15 days.
The other tricky requirement is to get all Eeveelutions. You all probably know the name tricks, and many of you already used it, so for those unlucky ones, you need to go the normal and boring way to get all Eeveelutions (through Lures, walking requirements and others).
Have you reached level 50? And for those who haven’t yet, is it hard?