Trainers, Lunala, the Moone Pokemon, is making its Pokemon Go debut this week, and many players want to know how to get one. Lunala will be available starting November 23, 2022, so here is everything you should know about this evolution.
Solgaleo and Lunale are new Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Go as part of the Astral Eclipse event. The Astral Eclipse is a new event that runs starting from November 23, 2022, to November 28, 2022. During this period Pokemon Go players can get Solgaleo and Lunala and the only way to get them is through evolution.
Lunala is a dual-type Psychic and Ghost Legendary Pokemon available in Pokemon Go only through evolution. That means that you can’t find Lunala in the wild, or in Raids, and the only way to get it is to evolve Cosmog into Cosmoem, and the Cosmoem into Lunala. Simple, right? Well, you do need to follow one rule, and that’s to evolve Cosmoem during the night to get Lunala.
How to Get Lunala in Pokemon Go?
- Get a Cosmog
- Use 25 Cosmog Candy to evolve Cosmog into Cosmoem
- After evolving into Cosmoem, you can use 100 Cosmog Candy to evolve into Lunala
- Note: This is a night evolution, which means that you must evolve Cosmoem during the night to get Lunala
- Note: This evolution will be available starting November 23, 2022, at 10 AM
If you want to learn how to get Solgaleo in Pokemon Go, please see here.