Trainers, Pokemon Go Holidays Part 2 has started, and a new event exclusive Field Research and two new Timed Research focused on friendship and catching Pokemon are available during the event.
The Pokemon Go Holidays Part 2 event runs from December 23, 2021, at 10 AM to December 31, 2021, at 8 PM local time. During this event players have a chance to catch Bergmite and Avallug, two new Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Go for the first time, Egg incubator for spinning your first PokeStop each day, Winter Wonderland special mini-event, increased trade distance, Collection Challenge featuring Galarian Mr. Mime, two Timed Research and other cool stuff.
The Pokemon Go Holidays Part 2 brings new event exclusive Field Research and two new Timed Research, and these will be the last Timed Research for this year. These Timed Research are focused on friendship and catching Pokemon, and each of these Timed Research leads to an encounter with Galarian Mr. Mime.
That said, let’s take a look at the tasks and rewards for the Pokemon Go Holidays Part 2 Timed Research below.
Pokemon Go Holiday Friendship Challenge
- Send 5 Gifts to Friends: Holiday Pikachu
- Trade 3 Pokemon with a Friend: Vanillite
- Send 25 Gifts to Friends: Holiday Delibird
- Send Gifts 3 days in a row: Galarian Darumaka
- Make a new Friend: x3 Silver Pinap Berry
- Rewards: Galarian Mr. Mime
Pokemon Go Holiday Catch Challenge
- Catch 10 Pokemon: 10 PokeBall
- Catch 25 Pokemon: 25 PokeBall
- Catch 10 Ice-type Pokemon: 10 GreatBall
- Catch 40 Ice-type Pokemon: 25 GreatBall
- Catch 9 different species of Ice-type Pokemon: 25 UltraBall
- Rewards: Galarian Mr. Mime
Pokemon Go Holiday Field Research
- Catch 5 Ice-type Pokemon: Holiday Spheal (can be shiny)
- Catch 7 different species of Pokemon: Alolan Sandshrew (can be shiny), Alolan Vulpix (can be shiny)
- Hatch 5 Eggs: Glacial Lure module
- Hatch an Egg: Galarian Darumaka (can be shiny)
- Open 5 Gifts: Holiday Stantler (can be shiny), Holiday Cubchoo (can be shiny), Holiday Pikachu (can be shiny)
- Sent 3 Gifts to friends: 3 Razz Berry, 3 Pinap Berry, 3 Pokeballs
- Spin 3 PokeStops or Gyms: Swinub
- Take 3 snapshots of wild Ice-type Pokemon: 25 Abomasnow mega energy
The Pokemon Go Holidays 2021 Part 2 event ends on December 31, 2021.