Trainers, seven Eevee’s evolutions are available in the game and for those who don’t know, there is actually a name trick which will help you to get the wanted Eevee evolution.
The ‘old’ name trick method can be used once per each evolution. This trick will work when you give Eevee a specific nickname before evolving it. So, again and to make it clear, this works only once per evolution, rename your Eevee to the names mentioned below and use 25 Candy to evolve it.
- Pyro → Flareon
- Rainer → Vaporeon
- Sparky → Jolteon
- Sakura → Espeon
- Tamao → Umbreon
- Linnea → Leafeon
- Rea → Glaceon
Now, what happens and how to get Eevee’s evolutions once you’ve used the nickname trick? Don’t worry, we got you covered.
Let’s start with Gen 1 Eevee’s evolution Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon. These three evolve randomly from Eevee when using 25 Candy, so there is no other way to get ’em.
The Gen 2 Eevee’s evolutions Espeon and Umbreon can be obtained once you set Eevee as your walking Buddy, reach the 10KM goal and evolve Eevee during the night to get Umbreon or evolve Eevee during the day to get Espeon.
Leafon and Glaceon are the last Eevee’s evolutions added to the game and both are Gen 4 and you can get them using Lures. There are three Lures available at the moment, the Glacial, the Mossy and the Magnetic Lure, and we’ll need the Glacial and the Mossy Lure for Leafon and Glaceon.
Glacial Lure Module fro Glaceon
- A frosty Lure Module that attracts Pokemon for 30 minutes- especially ones that love the cold. It can also cause some Pokemon to evolve.
Mossy Lure Module for Leafon
- A natural Lure Module that attracts Pokemon for 30 minutes- especially ones that love mossy scents. It can also cause some Pokemon to evolve.
just please have in mind that you have to be near a PokeStop with an active Lure!
So, how to use these Lures?
When Trainers are within range of a PokéStop with an active lure of the appropriate type, and they can successfully spin its PhotoDisc, Evolution of Magneton and Nosepass will be enabled, as well as certain Evolutions of Eevee.
You’re now all set, so there won’t be any problem getting the seven currently available Eevee’s evolutions. We might get the last Eevee’s evolution Sylveon very soon, so we’ll make sure to update the name-trick guide.