published on in 2023

Pokemon Go Community Day Classic List, All Featured Pokemon and Dates

Trainers, the very first Community Day Classic event in Pokemon Go was introduced on January 22, 2022, featuring Bulbasaur, its shiny forms, and event bonuses. Many players liked this idea and having two Community Day events in one month is actually great.

Niantic and Pokemon Go introduced the first Community Day Classic event in the game in 2022, and for the first time in the history of Pokemon Go players had a chance to participate in two Community Day events in one month. Back in January 2022, Niantic and Pokemon Go asked the community for feedback, and most players want these events to happen monthly. Do you agree?

Now, it seems like Niantic and Pokemon Go will keep this event going, and hopefully, there will be many Community Day Classic events in Pokemon Go in the future. We expect to see various Community Day Classic Pokemon, their shiny forms, and earn cool bonuses, so this is definitely a great chance for those who missed the previous Community Day event to catch up and get every Pokemon they’ve missed.

The Community Day Classic is a three-hour event that gives players a chance to catch previous Pokemon and their shiny forms. Great, right? That said, let’s take a look at the list of all Community Day Classic so far below.

Community Day Classic List of All Featured Pokemon and Dates

What Pokemon would you like to see next? We would like to hear from you, so please leave a comment below.