Team GO Rocket Leader Arlo is probably the easiest to beat out of the other two Team GO Rocket Leaders, Sierra and Cliff. However, if this makes you think that he is a piece of cake to defeat, well, we have to inform you that that is not the case. If you do not have strong Pokemon, you are destined to fail this battle.
Team GO Rocket Leader Arlo is back in Pokemon GO, and we are ready to defeat him and his new Shadow Pokemon lineup. His line-up changes quite frequently, making Arlo a bit tricky to battle.
There are a few Pokemon that are a safe choice against Arlo, but to be sure and thorough, we decided to make a list of Arlo’s line-up, and which Pokemon and movesets are best to use against him.
Leader Arlo new Pokemon lineup and Best Counters
#1 Shadow Pokemon lineup and best counters
Shadow Gligar (can be shiny)
- Ho-Oh with Hidden Power and Brave Bird
- Articuno with Frost Breath and Icy Wind
- Shadow Ho-Oh with Hidden Power and Earthquake
- Mega Charizard Y with Fire Spin and Dragon Claw
- Togekiss with Hidden Power and Ancient Power
#2 Shadow Pokemon lineup and best counters
Shadow Mawile
- Mega Gyarados with Waterfall and Aqua Tail
- Mega Houndoom with Fire Fang and Return
- Reshiram with Fire Fang and Return
- Mega Charizard X with Ember and Dragon Claw
- Entei with Fire Fang and Return
Shadow Lapras
- Shadow Electivire with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Shadow Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Mega Manectric with Thunder Fang and Wild Charge
- Shadow Raikou with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Shadow Magnezone with Spark and Wild Charge
Shadow Cradily
- Genesect with Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
- Burn Genesect with Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
- Cobalion with Metal Claw and Sacred Sword
- Heatran with Fire Spin and Iron Head
- Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Punch
#3 Shadow Pokemon lineup and best counters
Shadow Scizor
- Heatran with Fire Spin and Iron Head
- Ho-Oh with Incinerate and Brave Bird
- Mega Charizard Y with Ember and Blast Burn
- Shadow Ho-Oh with Hidden Power and Earthquake
- Reshiram with Fire Fang and Return
Shadow Snorlax
- Obstagoon with Counter and Cross Chop
- Mega Gyarados with Dragon Tail and Aqua Tail
- Yveltal with Snarl and Focus Blast
- Zarude with Vine Whip and Power Whip
- Tyranitar with Smack Down and Crunch
Shadow Gardevoir
- Giratina with Shadow Claw and Dragon Claw
- Metagross with Bullet Punch and Psychic
- Shadow Metagross with Bullet Punch and Psychic
- Nidoqueen with Poison Jab and Poison Fang
- Zarude with Bite and Power Whip
What are your thoughts about the Pokemon counters list? Would you like to add or change something?