Trainers, the Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event has started and you’ll have a chance to enjoy all new features, bonuses, Special Research, Collection Challenges, and other cool stuff.
The Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event introduces two new Special Research in Pokemon Go, the WIllow’s Return and A Radiant Reunion Research. Each of these Research quests has different steps, tasks, rewards, and Pokemon encounters. Players can choose between the Free Experience and Ticketed Experience. Each one has different features and bonuses, so you might want to take a look below for more details about the two different experiences.
Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Free Experience
On Saturday, August 27, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time all Trainers can enjoy the following regardless of if they have an event ticket.
- A short Special Research story.
- Take a snapshot during the event for a surprise!
- For the first time in Pokémon GO, you’ll be able to encounter Shiny Munna—if you’re lucky!
- Several special avatar items will debut for sale in the shop!
- A hat inspired by Nihilego
- A shirt inspired by Buzzwole
- An outfit inspired by the GO Ultra Recon Squad
- Four unique habitats
- Different Raid Bosses
Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Ticketed Experience
On Saturday, August 27, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time, Trainers with an event ticket can enjoy the following.
- For the first time in Pokémon GO, you’ll be able to encounter Shiny Unown N & Unown X-if you’re lucky!
- Spin Photo Discs at Gyms to earn up to nine free Daily Raid Passes. These can be used only for in-person raids.
- Take up to five snapshots during the event for a surprise!
- Earn an extra 5,000 XP in raid rewards when you win an in-person raid!
- Incense activated during event hours will last for two hours.
- Earn 3× XP for spinning Photo Discs at PokéStops and Gyms.
- 1/2 Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed in Incubators during event hours.
- Starting at 10:00 a.m. local time, Trainers who have caught Sky Forme Shaymin will be able to change its form to Land Forme Shaymin, and vice-versa
- In addition to the short Special Research story available to all Trainers, Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Finale ticket holders will receive three short, exclusive Special Research stories
- Additional Pokemon when using Incense
Now, that said, let’s take a look at the complete list of tasks and rewards for the A Radiant Reunion Special Research.
A Radiant Reunion Research Tasks
A Radiant Reunion Part 1
A Radiant Reunion Step 1/6
- Evolve 3 Pokemon: 1000 XP
- Earn 5000 XP: Incense
- Use an Incense: Combee
- Rewards: 3 Silver Pinap Berry, Rhi Helmet, and 25 Great ball
A Radiant Reunion Step 2/6
- Make 5 Nice Throws: 25 Combee Candy
- Catch 10 Pokemon: Pheromosa
- Make 5 Nice Throws: 25 Ultra Ball
- Rewards: 1 Star Piece, Buzzwole, and 1 Sinnoh Stone
A Radiant Reunion Step 3/6
- Battle 3 Team Go Rocket members: 3 Hyper Potion
- Defeat 2 Team Go Rocket members: 3 Max Revive
- Purify 2 Shadow Pokemon: 1 Incense
- Rewards: 1 Super Incubator, Swirlix, and 25 Poke Ball
A Radiant Reunion Step 4/6
- Earn 2k Stardust: 25 Swirlix Candy
- Hatch an Egg: 3 Max potion
- Walk 1km: 1 Lucky Egg
- Rewards: 1 Egg incubator, Xurkitree, and 3 Rare Candy
A Radiant Reunion Step 5/6
- Catch 10 Pokemon: 1000 XP
- Earn a Heart with your Buddy: 25 Ultra Ball
- Take a Snapshot: Munna
- Rewards: 1 Lure Module, Shaymin, and 1 Mossy Lure
A Radiant Reunion Step 6/6
- Claim Reward: 25 Shaymin Candy
- Claim Reward: 25 Munna Candy
- Claim Reward: Nihilego
- Rewards: 3 Rare Candy, Sky Forme Shaymin Avatar T-Shrit, and 1 Premium Battle Pass
The Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event ends on August 27, 2022, at 6 PM local time, so make sure to not miss it.