You have probably seen how many songs there are in Lost Ark by this time. Each of them provides different effects, and while some can be acquired as a part of the storyline, others are hidden behind a different acquisition method. Similar to the Song of Resonance, the one that can be acquired at Peyto Island for Pirate Coins. Well, there are plenty of Songs that can be obtained by doing different activities, so we’ll help you pinpoint all their locations and find out how you can acquire them exactly.
Songs can also be used to increase Rapport with some of the important Lost Ark NPCs, which in return give you rewards at each level. Without further ado, below you can find all the Lost Ark Songs and their acquisition location, and how much they cost, if any.
Where to get all the Lost Ark Songs?
Take a look at the table below if you want to know where exactly to acquire your next musical piece.
Song Name | Description | Acquisition |
Song of Escape | Leave Instances such as Dungeons or Islands | Main Quest |
Song of Trixion | Travel to Trixion | Main Quest |
Song of Return | Moves you to your stronghold | Main Quest |
Song of Hearth and Home | Travel to Stronghold | Stronghold Quest that Starts in Luterra |
Song of Valor | An encouraging anthem of Luterra. Increase Rapport with NPCs | Main Quest |
Heart’s Melody | A song with the power to move people’s hearts. | Main Quest |
Serenade of Love | A beautiful song of romance | Main Quest |
Elegy of Serenity | A song that soothes away sadness | !Quest Elegy of Serenity, given by Mathias in the Arid Path of Arthetine. |
Song of Resonance | It opens hidden spaces | Sold at Peyto Island by Treasure Hunter Igran for 16,500 Pirate Coins |
Forest’s Minuet | It removes hidden paths by moving thorny vines | !Quest It’s Okay, Miss Fairy Starts from Hiding Fairy in Lullaby Island. |
Song of Reminiscence | Remembering places and times of the past | !Journey Lost Footsteps – Part of the 2nd Awakening Questline |
Song of Temptation | Can charm the target | Complete 50% of the Adventurer’s Tome in Yudia |
Requiem of Twilight | It’s a song for appearing departed souls. | !Quest Island of Eternal Rest from Farther Dirutn in Tranquil Isle |
Song of Starlight | It is the song of the starkeeper who guides souls | Purchased from Favreau on Starlight Isle for 3,300 Gienah Coins (top of castle). |
Heavenly Harmony | A song harmonious with the flowers | Obtained from Chest after doing a Co-Op Mission on Harmony Island |
Festival Overture | A song to mark the beginning of the holy festival | / |
Song of Eternity | A beautiful song handed down to Sylvains | Complete 60% of the Adventurer’s Tome in Rohendel. |
Song of Spring | A melody to breathe life into the heart and soul. | !Quest Shangra’s Pure Energy – Starts from Eunsun at Shangra |
Romantic Weapon | A fun song filled with the romance of Yorn | Complete 60% of the Adventurer’s Tome in Yorn |
Soulful Requiem | Requiem to commemorate Delains | Complete 60% of the Adventurer’s Tome in Feiton |
Song of Harmony | A song with Harmonious Blessings | Complete 50% of the Adventurer’s Tome in Punika |