Trainers, the last Community Day event of 2022 is underway, and a new Special Research is now available for ticket holders.
The last Community Day of 2022 has started and a different set of 2021 and 2022 Community Day Pokemon will be featured each day (Saturday and Sunday). You can also enjoy the event bonuses, a new free-to-play Timed Research, and a pay-to-play Community Day Special Research story.
The Community Day Special Research story: December Community Day 2022 is a four-step pay-to-play exclusive Special Research story. You must have a ticket to access it and enjoy all features and bonuses. This ticket will automatically activate to give you access to the December Community Day 2022 Special Research, wherever you are in the world. Once claimed, you can complete it at any time.
The Pokemon Go December 2022 Community Day Special Research has different stages, each stage offering various tasks, rewards, and Pokemon encounters.
The tasks are not hard to complete, so we recommend checking them out below.
December Community Day 2022 Special Research Steps Tasks Rewards
December Community Day 2022 Special Research Stage Tasks 1/4
- Power up Pokemon 10 times: 10 Poke Balls
- Catch 10 pokemon featured during December Community Day 2022: 10 Razz Berry
- Make 5 Nice Throws: 1500 XP
- Rewards: 1000 Stardust, 1 Unova Stone, and 1 Sinnoh Stone
December Community Day 2022 Special Research Stage Tasks 2/4
- Transfer 10 Pokemon: 10 Ultra Ball
- Catch 1 Pokemon featured during December Community Day 2022: 1500 XP
- Evolve 3 Pokemon: 1500 Stardust
- Rewards: 1000 Stardust, 1 Poffin, and 1 Incense
December Community Day 2022 Special Research Stage Tasks 3/4
- Make 3 Great Curveball Throws: 10 Pinap Berry
- Catch 15 Pokemon featured during December Community Day 2022: 1 Sinnoh Stone
- Transfer 15 Pokemon: 1 Elite Fast TM
- Rewards: 1000 XP, 1 Rocket Radar, and 1000 Stardust
December Community Day 2022 Special Research Stage Tasks 4/4
- Claim Rewards (x3): 10 Pinap Berry, 1500 XP, and Elite Charged TM
- Rewards: 1000 Stardust, 1500 XP, and 3 Rare Candy
For last, check out the storyline for the December 2022 Community Day Special Research below.
December 2022 Community Day Special Research Storyline
“Hello, %PLAYERNAME%! Great to see you! I always feel a little nostalgic at the end of the year.
So I thought we could look back on everything we’ve done over the last twelve months.
For starters, you’ve been putting that Daily Adventure Incense to great use… You’ve encountered Zorua and been caught up in Ditto's shenanigans…
And that’s just the beginning! Doesn’t remembering your accomplishments get you energized for more?
It does for me, and maybe Pokemon are feeling energized by the season too – look how many are out there today!
I wonder if Pokemon perceive time like we do? Hmm… This could be a good topic for next year’s World Pokemon Ecological Society conference.
As for you, you should go for a stroll and think about all the amazing things you’ve done, %PLAYERNAME%!
Seeing all of them gets me thinking – remember how lucky we were to meet so many Pokemon first discovered in the Alola region?
We even encountered all of the island guardians! I’d never seen them in person before – had you?
It just goes to show that the more time we spend exploring the world, the more exciting sights we’ll see.
What’s that? “Even if that sight’s on the other side of an Ultra Wormhole?”
Ha ha! Very true, even if the experience was a little stressful. But I think it was worth it in the end, especially since we made a new friend – Rhi!
Speaking of which, why don’t you pay Rhi a visit? In the meantime, please let me take a closer look at some of those Pokemon you’ve caught.
Seasonal greetings, %PLAYERNAME%!
Is this appropriate to say? I have only learned of “seasons” after coming to this world.
You have been busy today. What has occupied your attention
Reminiscing with Professor Willow? I am told that is a fitting activity for this time of the…day?
No–year. I apologize. Tracking time by the sun’s passage is new to me, although I do find it fascinating.
I can confidently say that a world as vibrant and radiant as yours is quite rare.
As rare as making a friend as kind as you, %PLAYERNAME%. Your aid has been invaluable, both in acclimating me to this world and in containing the Ultra Beasts.
Our time together has been well-spent, from my perspective. If you are amenable, I would enjoy continuing our collaboration. Are you free right now?
I would like to observe as you catch some Pokemon. Your accuracy is remarkable, and I suspect I could learn something watching you.
That’s another day of research done. Thank you for choosing to spend it with me – and with Pokemon!
This year has had its challenges, as they all do. But no matter what obstacles we face, I know I can rely on you to help overcome them…and that thought always brightens my day.
I hope that the time you’ve spent with me and with Pokemon has also been a source of joy, because you yourself bring joy to so many.
In fact, if I could make a wish right now, it’d be for our next year to be just as amazing as this one. And with you around, hey – I’m sure it will be. See you again soon, %PLAYERNAME%!”
The December 2022 Community Day runs on Saturday, December 17, 2022, and Sunday, December 18, 2022, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time.